Friday, October 22, 2010

The Cake Is Not A Lie

The central idea behind this piece is to show the happiness that simply things, like cake can express. In this image you see my model Brianda eating the cake I prepared the night before. I tried to get her as relaxed as possible to get the feeling of ease and joy that cake can bring someone. I used a soft strobe light and a white background to get the feeling of softness and simplicity. To get the angle I got, I sat on the ground beside the strobe to try and get all of her in the shot while getting the discarded cake lid on the floor in the shot as well. When I took this image home, I eddited it by softening the image and giving a blue tint to everything, except my model, the cake and the lid and  playing witht he saturation a little bit. 

This image goes directly with my new idea on the concept of showing the simple things that make people happy that people don't really pay attention to. This concept has completely changed from my original idea of fashion photography with a fantasy twist on it. Now I'm trying to focus on Portraits and the simple things. In creating this image, I tried to stick with my idea, but I found it difficult to get it so my model looked relaxed and actually in the moment happy. But I'm ready to take this challenge. From here I am going to continue on with this concept but my next ideas are : Bubble/Bubble blowing and Cloud watching. What I'm going to try to do with those inmages is get more color into them a bit, but keeping it not that photoshopped.

The image below is another image from the same shoot, but with more play with saturation and greying the image. The ony thing I didn't satrate or grey at all was the cake to get more of an emphasis on it.