Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Moment Alone

"A Moment Alone"

Model: Christina Cervantez
Taken By : Me

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Una pequeña oración

"Una pequeña oración" ( A Little Prayer)
Model: Christina Cervantes
Taken by: Me

Around SDSCPA.....

These Pictures are from when Ms. Miles set us free to roam about the campus and to find as many interesting angles and shadows and different things around school. These are my favorites.
The first one up top is of one of those Pink flowers everyone sees in the back of the campus. Does anyone know what kind they are? They've always brought alittle smile to my face as I walk past them from Photography to Biology and also through out the years. ... I know it's in the center of the shot, but It isn't excactly straight so that makes it okay...right?

The second on is of the tree in the Sixth-grade"Senior" Circle. At this point my parter had left me to use the facilities, so I was free to wander on my lonesome for a bit. So I wanted to take a few of the tree, since I have such fond memories with it. So this is my favorite out of th efive I took of it. I didn't intentionally mean to get the shine from the sun in the shot, but It turned out beautiful in the end result. I also really like how I made it look like a massive tree like the ones you se ein the forest. :3


The third is one of the shoes I wore that day underneath one of those benches surrounding the "Senior" Circle. I was going to originally take this picture from more of an aye level thing, instead of Bird's eye, but then I had the sudden urge to look through one of the little holes in the bench down at my shoes. I like this shot because the hole in which I looked through made a little frame for my shoes and also the contrasting patterns of the holes from the bench and the lines on the inside of my shoes. Then theres also the line made by the shadow and also the straps to my shoes. I am quite pleased with it.


The fourth - sixth ones are of a branch with dead leves on it with the pillars of the circle of the sun in the back ground. #4 or #6 was my favorite, but I don't really remember right now. :/
Anyways, #4 i took with the flash on. #5, I'm not sure what I did actually. #6 I focused on the leaves alone.


That's all for this assignment. Till the next.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Group Project

Though I wasn't here for the actual shooting of this project. I helped decide on how we were going to set it up and helped to remind people to bring what they promised to bring.

In this project we were assigned to  try and fit in all the arts of this school in one image to tell about how diverse, but closely knot this school is with the arts. In this shot, we have the visual arts, dancing arts and musical arts. It was taken before the tree that everyone on campus knows as the senior circle. I chose this image sine I liked how it portrayed each art in it's own way and also layered, so that the musical arts in in front playing for the dancer as she dances for the artist who is drawing her. It all fits together.

The only thing i do not like about this shot is the fact that the dancer isn't in the middle of the artist and musician. I trhink it would have been more successful that way. Otherwise , it would have been better to me.  With the light coming in through the tree's branches, it gives it a softer look to me. It's almost heavanly.

Another problem I can see is from my own printing. I was limited on time (i might have had only three minutes total to expose and print this) and I went up to 45 seconds on exposing it. This is the first print to be such a pain in the put to me. :(
For when I do another project like this, I'm going to make sure it's on a day that I don't have a dentist appointment and that i have enough time to actually plan out a shoot, because the whole time planning this wth my group, we kept hitting more and more problems, one right after the other. :/

Well, that's all I got on this peice. Thill the next one.