This is Christina for my depth of field project.
In this print you can see that the background turned out almost paint like due to the lighting of the trees as she stares off into space. You can't really tell what she is thinking and it adds feeling to the picture....
The hardest thing for me here was choosing between this on or another one that was really adorable. I liked the background of this one better, but The other one, Christina was in better focus. She's still in focus here though and I really like how it turned out. It was taken outside in the trees and I focused only on Christina. Though you can tell only a little bit, you can see our coats in the background sprawled about to add more effect..
I am very happy with the lighting in this picture. You can see her face and her body and everything is just wonderful to me considering lighting.
This image is successful to me. Very successful. You can see emotion, depth of field and lighting.
That's all for now. 'Till next time. ;D